
Industry Leading Software


SPC3d works in conjunction with GapGun, Break Edge and Vectro. Check plans provide a series of visual prompts that guide operators on where to measure. Use SPC3d to prepare check plans which are easy for operators to follow, when inspecting parts inline or offline.

measurement mode

Measurements are viewed onscreen in real time as data is collected and can be compared against tolerance bands.


SPC3d’s extensive toolkit allows measurement of virtually any gap, flush, radius, scratch, chamfer,
fastener, seal or profile. Uniquely, it also allows administrators to build customized libraries of tools.

user interface

Simply and ergonomically designed interface and menu system for ease of use, navigation and minimal

Optional Software Extensions

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On the
Production Line

The addition of  Inline View software will optimize your GapGun for fast-paced, high volume production lines.  Readings are taken in real time and instantly displayed on overhead screens to show whether a particular vehicle has passed quality tests.

Multiple GapGuns coordinated from a common control network

GapGun Link software makes it possible to place only GapGuns and docking stations on the shop floor.
  • Automatically download part programs from the network instantly
  • Download programs from multiple locations
  • Upload data from multiple locations to a single server
  • Ensures all users are up to date with the most recent part program

data display

Optional Inspect software package enables display of advanced calculations on a computer monitor:

  • Provides additional graphics with dimensional information
  • Offline calculation of additional features
  • Displays enlarged view on computer monitor to enhance positioning when measuring small features

GapGun users follow a simple and automated process

Only GapGuns and strategically placed docking stations or WiFi are required for shop floor set up. Removing the need for software interaction.


Part Instructions

Dock the GapGun and select measurement task. GapGun automatically downloads a measurement instruction for the part.


Follow Measurement Instructions

Undock the GapGun and follow the onscreen instructions to take measurements of the part.


Uploads Measurement results

Dock the GapGun back at its station and measurement results are automatically uploaded to your production system. 

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